Monday, October 23, 2006

Honorary Mention

Best Unnecessary Rhyming:

Dressing up is fun
So is eating candy, yum!
This haiku is dumb.

-Meredith Pyle

Best Autumnal Haiku:

Leaves falling from trees
Carved pumpkins everywhere
Let’s bob for apples!

-KT Gunn

Poet Laureate:

Words translate our thoughts.
Thought too is a translation.
Thus, let us love change.

-Paul Ryan Godfrey


Best Clip Art:

Halloween is here.
Ghouls and Ghosts will come back tonight.
Don’t let Bed Bugs bite.

-Justin Vance


Best Last Line:

Dooby the pumpkin,
Loved the worm Booee Gooee,
‘til death do they part.

-Jennifer M. Reeves


Accidentally Vicious:

I’m not kniving
I like to smile a whole lot
You are depressing

-Karen Abrahamson


Best use of the word blouse:

Stephen is a louse
He wears a lavender blouse
He scares the children.

-Karen Abrahamson


The Haikan’t:

One, two, three, four, five
One, two, three, four, five, six, sev’n
One, two, three, four, five

-Cody Lang

The “Eww” Award:
Oh, my -- --- ---
You are so sweet and spicy
Please knock on my door



Best Archaic Holiday Reference:

On All Hallow’s Eve
I dressed up like Stephen B.
And all the kids grieved

-Kyle Babb

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